
New Year's TAG!

Hello in 2015! That was long year but I had glad to spend this time with the most lovely people in world- with my friends! I have sooooooo emotional memory with that people! But not about this people today! :) I try to keep my blog more interesting so you can see my drawing in the post now. I hope so you like this idea and let's go with tag! :)

1. What was the single best thing that happened this past year?
The best thing was 18 birthday my friend. That was so great time. We were dancing, chatting, smiling a lot but also drink a little but cii...... ;) That was the best party I ever was. My one friend drank to much ( but you know he's drunk when he drink one beer) and then he have very "good idea" like he set down on the rocking horse and he said.... 

 2. What was the single most challenging thing that happened?
 The most challenging was... working in the 5-star hotel. I was working there because I had practice from school. That was big experience and I felt like adult when I must wake up every morning and go to the work. Very hard to change when your all life you just go to the school and you're sitting on the chair and listening people. Most challenging and scary situation but I'm really happy because I learn very good things there. 

3. What was an unexpected joy this past year?
 It was that how I changed in a few months... In January 2014 I was very shy and not social person (the now isn't be perfect with that) but a few months later I tred to went outside and change out with people. I never before expected that I could went to the club and had fun there!

4. What was an unexpected obstacle?
 People which say me a lot of bad comments. They're tired to keep me in bad humor and they're thought that was funny. If somebody say you bad words then you bothered about this. I know now that words say you somebody who not means to you anything then you shouldn't listening him. 

5. Pick three six words to describe 2014.
The best year in my life! 

 6. What were the best books you read this year?
 OMG! Serioulsy only one!? That was a year with a lot of lovely books! I read that hero book like The Hunger Games <3 with I love soooooooo much! (I'll  write another post about this books soon because that is a lot to say!) Another book with I love so much that is the Fault in the stars amazing story and so beatufiul love! 

7. With whom were your most valuable relationships? 
With my boyfriend... 

but first you must have boyfriend, baby....Okay mum I KNOW! With my friends I can't choose one people that was amazing year with all my friends.

8. What was your biggest personal change from January to December of this past year?
How I said before I changed a lot! That was year of change for me I tried to be more confident and I tried to be not shy with a new meet friends.

9. In what way(s) did you grow emotionally?
I'm not quite mouse anymore and I try to smile more often then before. Before the boy were bee.... and I wasn't thought about that psychical and physical way about boys and now that change. I'm not scary anymore when I must hug boy. Yeah I was scary... 

10. In what way(s) did you grow in your relationships with others? 
In past year I ascertain that which people I can trust and I know now they are my friends whom I can say everything. Yeah.. that was big change! I'm not scary phiscal contant with people like I was scary before and I didn't like when I must hug somebody for example...

11. What was your single biggest time waster in your life this past year?
 That was a lot of that situation when I waste time but the biggest was... spent a lot of time front the computer in holiday when I could did a lot of more interesting and healthy things. But maybe this series which I was watching change me? Who knows... ;)

12. What was biggest thing you learned this past year? 
I learned that If you try to be the best in this what you do somebody will be see this and reward you for your hard work. And another this is this If you have great friends then you have the biggest prize in your life.

I hope so after this you know me better and I hope so you like my drawings! I know that I'm not very interesting person but I hope so somebody will be like read my blog some day! How you describe your last year in 3 words? I should have twitter account?
Byeee Sav. 

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